Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Learning

It’s difficult to believe, but we are in the final week of July! Summer is in full swing, and that means lots of things for parents: babysitters, vacations, sunscreen, and so much more. It can be hard to squeeze learning in among the many distractions that summer throws at us. How can you keep a spirit of learning in between the picnics and pool trips? How can you prepare your child for the upcoming school year? There are many simple and fun ways to keep your child learning throughout the long days of summer. Here are a few suggestions.

Try working a bit of education into your daily routine. Take thirty minutes or an hour to practice key skills like spelling and math. Use flashcards to keep minds sharp. Provide workbook pages for a quick, independent, cross-curricular opportunity. Challenge children with a daily or weekly quiz (on any subject) to keep the theme of learning going. Offer rewards to keep the experience fun.

Start a book program for your kids – it’s easier than it sounds. Compile a list of educational books and let children decide which books they want to read from your list. Assign a certain number of pages each day or week. As your child progresses through the book, discuss the content. Ask some simple questions to practice reading comprehension and response. You might consider keeping a chart that tracks the number of books read. Hang it in a public place so that children can be proud of their progress! See how many books you can get through - the number might surprise you.

Assign your children weekly or monthly “projects.” Encourage your kids to select topics that interest them. Make research resources (the library, encyclopedias, the Internet) available and let them do some independent research on their chosen topics. Instruct them to plan a short paper or presentation to be given to you, along with family and/or friends. This doesn’t need to be a formal exercise – kids (and adults) should have fun throughout the “projects!”

These are only a few ideas on keeping learning alive during the summer. How about sharing some of your own ideas? How do you fit learning into a busy summer schedule? How would you make a vacation an educational experience? Have you tried any of the ideas we shared? Let us know. We’d love to hear from you!

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