Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another Way to Celebrate the 100th Day

Last week, we wrote about 100th day of school celebrations – specifically, celebrations of the fact that the year is half finished. Today, we’re going to take a different approach to getting our triple-digit party on. Rather than viewing the glass as half empty, let’s see it as half full.

We’re ONLY Halfway There!

The school year is half finished. That’s well and good, but you’ve got work to do yet. A half is just that – half. This implies that there is another half remaining, and you and your students intend to make full use of each and every day.

That isn’t to say that you can’t or shouldn’t celebrate – four and a half months of hard work and achievement is to be commended. There’s time for a quick pat on the back, a small celebration. That celebration, however, should be learning-based fun. Did you know that the 100th day of school started out as a math-themed celebration? Students would practice counting to 100 and solve math problems using numbers in the hundreds, among other things. This is how a proper 100th day should be conducted. You should recognize the progress of the school year thus far by practicing learned skills.

The greatest element of the party is this, however: you still have half a school year to go, filled with even more education and entertainment! You’re only halfway done. The motivation is education itself, the knowledge waiting to be unlocked and unleashed upon your students’ minds. This should excite the teacher as much as it excites the student. 100 days are over – bring on the next 100 and all that they have to offer. Roll on, learning!

Click here for some fun and education-based 100th day activities courtesy of Education World®. And check out our very own 100 Series of books for lessons and activities to help you get through the next 100 days of school and beyond!

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