Monday, April 18, 2011

Be Green This Earth Day!

Spring is a wonderful, beautiful time of year. The air is warm, the skies are bright, and colors are bursting forth in every direction. There is perhaps no better time to celebrate this majestic planet we call home. This Friday, we have the perfect opportunity to do just that – April 22 is Earth Day!

This year’s theme is A Billion Acts of Green®. Millions of people from all around the globe have already pledged to do something to help protect or improve the earth. It’s not too late for you and your students to join the movement. There are many ways to contribute, large and small. Here are a few ideas:

Mission Green

Divide your students into teams. Challenge them to compete to see which team can make the classroom “greener.” Assign points to each team when they reduce waste, conserve power, or make other efforts to make the classroom more environmentally friendly. Points can be awarded for a variety of green actions, such as turning off the lights when everyone leaves a room, packing lunches in recycled bags, reusing materials like paper and paper clips, bringing in a plant for the classroom, etc. At the end of the time allotted, tally the points that each team has earned and see which team is the “greenest.”

Be Powerless – In a Good Way

Designate one day for your class or household to go completely without power. This means no electricity: lights, overhead projectors, electric pencil sharpeners, computers, etc. cannot be used. Instead of using paper for work, use sidewalk chalk or a dry erase board, or teach orally. If the day is a success, schedule more Powerless Days.

Go Green at the Grocery

Make shopping bags to bring with you next time you go to the store. This way, you won’t deplete the store’s plastic bag supply, and you won’t have to throw away the bags. This can be done using material such as canvas, cloth, or felt, a needle and thread, and fabric paints. Simply cut the fabric into two 24”x 24” squares and decorate both pieces with fabric paints. Let the fabric dry before sewing the edges of each piece together. Adults may need to help with the sewing to make sure the stitches are secure and strong.

How do you plan to celebrate Earth Day? What green ideas do you use in your classroom or home? Sound off in the comments section below. And stay tuned to Bridging the Gaps, as we’ll offer more environmentally friendly suggestions and activities throughout this week.

For more information on Earth Day 2011, check out the Earth Day Network’s official website.

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