Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Building Fitness Foundations for Your Students

In our last post, we discussed the obvious importance of fitness and exercise in the lives of children. Today, we pose a follow-up question. How can we, as educators, be sure that these concepts are not only understood, but continually practiced? In order for a child to truly benefit from fitness and exercise, he or she must apply knowledge of healthy living outside the classroom. This is not an easy thing to accomplish. Bringing fitness and exercise into the classroom is only half a solution.

The other half involves establishing and reinforcing a set of core values that set students on the path to a lifetime of healthy choices. If we teach a child a set of exercises, for example, he or she will benefit from the activity. But will the child continue to perform these exercises outside the classroom? Possible, but unlikely. However, if we teach the child how these exercises benefit the body and mind - how continual exercise improves health over time - he or she might be more inclined to perform the exercises again.

Therefore, it is essential that we build a foundation upon which students can develop their own healthy lifestyle. We must provide the basics - what are exercise, physical activity, and physical fitness? Why are they so important? How do they benefit or improve a person? Once the answers to these questions are understood, we can show children how they can practice a healthy lifestyle through exercise, play, and physical activity.

There are a multitude of ways to initiate this fundamental introduction to fitness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have created a wonderful site to help teachers and students get started. It's called Teacher's Corner, and it provides a number of planning approaches and activities.

As stated, the importance of healthy living to our children is obvious. Shaping a set of values based on a fuller understanding of fitness and its benefits gives students a greater chance of growing up healthy in both body and mind.


Krishna said...

Really nice job,There are many people searching about that now they will find enough sources by your tips.
Personal Trainer Certification

LEP said...

Thanks for your comment, Krishna! We hope that all those people searching can use our ideas to help them get their students active.